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Most Exotic Flowers in the World

Thursday, 24th Sep 2020

Discover Some of the Rarest Flowers in the World

Most Exotic Flowers in the WorldAlmost everyone enjoys receiving flower arrangements, be it via flower delivery or when presented to you in person by someone you love. However, sometimes run-of-the-mill flowers just won’t cut it, and an extra special flower bouquet is required to reflect the importance of an occasion. If you dream of gifting the ultimate floral present to your nearest and dearest, read on to discover some of the world’s rarest flowers. However, don’t be disappointed if you can’t find them at your local florist and chances are you will have to settle for something a little more accessible.

The Gibraltar Campion

Its official name is silene tomentosa, and it is the most exotic flower that could once only be plucked by keen climbers on the vertiginous cliffs of Gibraltar. It's thought that it has become exist during the 1980s, yet the entire botany world sighed a huge sigh of relief when the rare bloom was discovered in 1994, and used for propagation. Thankfully, you can view the bloom at the Royal Botanic Gardens in London and The Almeda Gibraltar Botanic Gardens.

The Ghost Orchid

This flower has such an ethereal name that you would believe it to be an incredibly rare specimen. Also known as Epipogium aphyllum, only grows when fertilised with a certain fungus and is only pollinated by the Giant Sphinx Moth. With such precise beginnings, it is a wonder that it exists at all! The only way to own one of these wonderful flowers is to pay an extremely high price to a specialist floral breeder. You can, however, view them at certain botanical gardens and venues in Florida and Cuba. Besides how they are created, one of the fascinating things about this white flower is that it prefers dimly lit areas rather than sunlight.

The Blue Rose

Most Exotic Flowers in the WorldBlue roses are not a natural phenomenon and have been created by using genetic modification. The blue hue of this rare flower is created using the pigment, delphinidin. Some florists use blue dye to recreate the effect and you will also see roses that have absorbed dye in all manner of colours. These beautiful looking blooms don’t appeal to everyone, however, because they have been artificially created.

The Chocolate Cosmos

This extremely rare flower no longer exists in the wild, but it is grown by specialists and can be found in some of the flower shops. The maroon/brown petals of the flower emit a chocolatey aroma which gives the flower its name. Chocolate lovers will be delighted to be gifted this flower, along with a box of their favourite chocolates of course.

The Bleeding Heart

Most Exotic Flowers in the WorldAlthough extremely exotic, this flower is not rare. The heart-shaped flowers of the plant give it its name, and they look adorable in gardens and floral displays. Also known as Dicentra spectabilis the plant flowers in early spring and can produce many heart-shaped flowers along its stems. It is a romantic gift to give to your partner, or perhaps even to someone you wish to woo. The flowers are available in many colours, including pink, red, white and blue.

Crane Flower/Birds of Paradise

Native to South Africa, this joyous bloom mimics a tropical bird in flight. Extremely vibrant flowers which would capture anyone’s attention. This exotic bloom symbolises a whole range of sentiments, including freedom, royalty, success, faithfulness, and paradise on Earth. As you can imagine, this plant thrives in direct sunlight and requires a warm climate in which to flourish. Should you have pets or children that are likely to fancy a nibble on your plants, you should avoid this one as it will make them ill.